Author Topic: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly  (Read 1273 times)

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Offline paulasdg

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My little boy is 8 months old and his routine is as follows:

7am - Wake up & breakfast (normally porridge and toast/yoghurt and water/juice)
9am - Nap for 1.5hrs
11am – 90ml of formula and a rice cake/fruit/dairylea
12.30 - Lunch (a mash of meat/fish/veg, fromage frais and water/juice)
1.00/1.30 - Nap for 1.5hrs
3pm – 90ml of formula and a rice cake/veg sticks
(4pm – Sometimes needs a short nap, but not always)
5pm – Dinner (meat/fish with veg, fruit puree/rice pudding/custard and water/juice)
6pm – Bath time
6.45pm – 180ml of formula
7pm – Bedtime

He has been in his own room from 3 months and from then up to 6.5 months he was sleeping from 7pm until 7am (when often I would actually have to wake him up).  For the last month and a half I have struggled to get him to nap, he refuses his formula (but wants lots of water – around 8-9oz a day) and he has been waking constantly during the night (at random times).  One of the times he wakes is normally due to a saturated nappy, sometimes they are so full that they leak and I have to change bedcovers, pjs etc.

He has 2 teeth at the moment, and I initially thought these problems were due to teething and tried using calpol and ibuprofen alternately and anbesol, however no new teeth have appeared yet.  We have dropped his dream feed (which only helped for the first night).  I have also tried slightly longer activity periods but he was getting very tired and grouchy so I have gone back to his normal routine. 

If he wakes during the night we wait until he is actually crying before we go to him (as sometimes he mumbles to himself and crawls around his cot), and try to settle him in his cot and not pick him up, and we give him some water not milk.

I could really do with advice on how to get him to sleep during the night and what to do about him not drinking his milk.

Offline becj86

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Re: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 05:53:25 am »
For the last month and a half I have struggled to get him to nap, he refuses his formula (but wants lots of water – around 8-9oz a day) and he has been waking constantly during the night (at random times). 
This sounds quite odd to me - have you seen a doctor re: refusing formula? How long has it been going on, 1.5 months?

WRT the routine, it does seem a little unbalanced re: A times - very short in the morning and very long in the afternoon before bed. When you extended A times, did you stick with a small increase of 10min or so for 3-4 days before re-evaluating?

Offline becj86

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Re: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2013, 09:13:57 am »
Something I completely missed - he's eating a LOT of solids for his age. Most babies this age are having two small solids 'meals' an hour after a milk feed. Milk is incredibly important until age 1 as a source of balanced nutrition and recommendations vary across countries but are usually for a baby over 6 months to have a minimum of 24oz milk/day.

You may find something more like this suits him better:
7 - wake, 180ml formula
8 - porridge OR toast OR yoghurt
10 - nap
11:30 - wake (approx. time, don't cap nap before 2hr, let him wake himself), 180ml formula
12:30 - meat&veg mash OR veg sticks
2:30 - nap
4 - wake, 180ml formula
6 - bath
6:45 - 180ml formula
7 - bedtime

Solids really are for fun and tasting until LO is 12 months old.

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Re: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2013, 10:53:09 am »
I totally agree. Milk be it formula or BM has many more calories per is than solids. It also has completely the right balance of nutrients and vitamins etc. before 1 milk should be the most important part of a baby's diet. My DD2 drastically cut her milk intake at 7-8 months and we ended up with very disrupted night. I cut solids totally back until milk intake sans up again and then reintroduced more gradually. Milk intake will fall a bit as you increase solids but only really by a few oz.

I would make sure you are giving milk first thing too rather than solids.

Offline paulasdg

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Re: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2013, 08:10:32 am »
Hi, It has been going on for 1.5 months, and i did try increasing his naps just by a little bit at a time but he was getting grouchy.

I'm very confused as i have spoken to a couple of HVs about these problems and they told me he should be on 3 full meals & snacks a day and just be topping up with milk (and other people i know have been told the same thing by them) and that as his weight is staying between 50-75% he is fine.  They said that if he was refusing milk to give him an extra yoghurt (but they have never actually asked me exactly what he is eating)!

I will try cutting back on solids a bit and hope he starts taking more formula.  However, I want to try to avoid changing his breakfast time as i have to go back to work part time in may and need him to have his breakfast before he goes to the childminder.

I will try gradually extending his A times again and hope i have more success this time :-)

Do you think i should be concerned about how much water he is drinking (between 7-10 oz a day) and how much is is peeing at night? 
Thank you for your help :-)

Offline becj86

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Re: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2013, 11:14:05 am »
HV's do seem to give outdated advice sometimes. Give the milk increase a go and see if it makes a difference :)

WRT water, it is a little concerning to be peeing so much. Worth checking with a doc - could well be nothing but worth checking. I suspect the water intake may decrease as his milk intake increases.

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Re: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2013, 16:11:50 pm »
This NHS page on the official advice regarding feeding babies solid foods is helpful.
You will notice if you scroll down that is says babies should only be moving to 3 meals a day between 8-9mo. I find they don't really need snacks until they drop the two daytime feeds. Then they can have a bottle on wake up and at BT and have a solids snack in place of the two dropped milk feeds.

Are you offering water in a bottle or cup? The page I linked also recommended offering it in A cup so LOs learn to sip. You may find he takes less that way.

Have you tried mixing formula with his solids to get more ounces into him? Cereal, milky puddings, purees, cheese sauces etc made with formula all count towards his intake.
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Offline paulasdg

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Re: 8 month old used to sleep brilliantly but is now waking constantly
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2013, 13:24:37 pm »
I have cut back on the solids and he did take a bit more milk, and i lengthened his activity time.  However he flatly refused to take his afternoon nap and after a long time of trying the only way i could get him to sleep was to push him in the pram.  He went to bed at 7pm and then woke at 11, 3, and 6, and each time it took a long time to settle him again.  I changed his nappy, gave him water, checked he was warm enough and nothing actually seemed to be wrong with him so i don't know why he wouldn't sleep.

I am trying the same today but i am also going to change his bedtime routine a bit.

If anyone has any other ideas, especially about how to get him back to sleep once he has woken please let me know.  Thanks.

Soooooo tired :-(