Author Topic: Almost 5mos old - wakes more and more often  (Read 789 times)

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Almost 5mos old - wakes more and more often
« on: March 25, 2013, 14:30:41 pm »
Ugh. I figured my dd is going through a sleep regression but it's almost a month later and things r just getting worse. I feel like I HAVE to try something because leaving it to its own devices is not working. My dd is breastfed and was only 5lbs at birth so her EASY used to be every 2hrs. Then 2.5-3hrs. Now we are at 3hrs-ish. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how long her nap is (which I could never extend). So typically: up at 7; A time of 1.45-2.10hr depending on sleep cues. Mostly independent sleeper, uses paci, still swaddle. Bedtime around 7. Then she wakes at 12,3,5,6,7. Sometimes also at 10pm. We never dream-fed as it used to give her gas. I could try again I guess. I feed her at all the wakings. She used to take lots but now falls asleep on the boob each time. Then I wait 5-10mins and put her back in. The thing is that if I unswaddle her at the night feeds, and force her to feed well from both sides, burp etc she now wakes just the same! if I put her to bed at 6pm or 8pm she always wakes not at the same time but pretty much at exactly the same intervals: 4-5hrs, then 3, then 2,then 1 or less. Please help?!! What can I try? I'm so tired of this. I could try to resettle without feeding but at which feeds? Any input would be much appreciated. I thought this would just fix itself but it just isnt happening... Also I've tried to force her into a 4hr easy one day and the night wakings were the same. Oh goodness - what is a tired mom to do???

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Re: Almost 5mos old - wakes more and more often
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 02:23:11 am »
Hi there!  You mention that she was small at birth -- was she just small or was she early too?  Is her weight gain fine now -- any concerns with that? 

When you say she's a "mostly independent" sleeper, what is it that is keeping her from being a fully independent sleeper? 

On an entirely different note, how does she wake from short naps?  Fussy or happy?  She could need some more A time -- cues to get somewhat unreliable around this age sometimes -- I tended to have better luck clock watching sometimes, at least for a week or so to get back on track. 

General rule of thumb on feeding at night is that we expect them to go as long (or longer) at night than they do during the day.