Hi ladies! Just a bit of wierdness going on the last few days. My son is 18.5 mos, and he's been on one nap for close to three months. The last three days, his naps have gone from close to two hours, down to an hour or an hour 20 mins. Also, last night he only slept for 10.5 hrs, about an hour less than normal, and also too about 30 mins to fall asleep last night for bed. He usually takes about 10mins. Last night he was popping up tossing and turning for 30 mins.
Three days ago he started a cold. Running nose, and congested. Yesterday he started having an ugly cough. None of this has been too terrible, but maybe enough to mess with his sleep? He has about 6 teeth coming in, including top and bottom canines. BUT, that has been going on for a few weeks now without any disruptions in his sleep or behavior at all.
I'm just writing to ask if I should jump to the conclusion that he's starting to need less sleep? Or wait until he's better before I start increasing A times?
I'm mostly confused because although he does have this cold, when he's awake, he's full of energy and fine. Maybe the lying down aggrivates the congestion?
At what age do they begin decreasing their sleep amount?
Thanks in advance!