My LO is just a bit over 6.5 months old and she has longer awake times than I have found on any of the charts, etc. After waking for the day after approx. 11 hours (plus or minus 15 minutes), she is awake about 3.5 hours until her first nap, and can go up to 3.75 hours before the afternoon nap. With these awake times, she falls asleep fairly easily after 5-10 minutes of quiet playing with her lovey and moving around to get comfy. I find that awake time before bed is shorter, but that has always been the norm for her. Just a couple of weeks ago her awake times were a little less and we were doing a nice schedule of 1.5 hours for each nap with around, but now I cannot fit this in! It is pushing bedtime later. If I put her down any earlier for her naps, she is undertired and just plays for too long. So I do not know now what to do with the naps -- it seems I need to start shortening one, but she must be too young to be transitioning toward one nap. I have no idea what to do, help!