We've been in a really good routine from day 1 Dom settling himself with a dummy getting 1-2 hour naps approx 5.5 hrs day and was having dream feed between 22.30 and 11 and going till 4 or 5 from bout 6 weeks occasionally 7. Then over a week ago around 3 month mark started waking 2-3 hourky overnight. Immediately thought growth spurt so started offering both sides at each feed and tried extra cluster feed bout 9 which worked once but then wouldn't take it. He's had a bit if a cold as well but is waking up to 10 x a night not feeding long on day but with feed for up to 30 mins at night last 2 nights he's woke at 12.30 and he's gone bk to sleep till 2 with dummy. I'm pretty sure it's not a supply issue as I can express 5 oz from 1 side any ideas? He on 3 hourly easy