So this is my first post and I didn't see anything about this in my recent weeks of browsing so hopefully this isn't redundant! My 23 mo. old has had trouble sleeping since my new baby daughter was born almost four months ago...toddler now takes at least an hour after we leave the room to settle down to sleep, wakes frequently through the night (although I haven't had to go in, he just jumps in the crib or bangs his head on his pillow) and wakes up at the same time as always (around 6:30am). He takes about 1.5 -2 hour nap. Bed time is 7. Should I just give it more time because it's a HUGE adjustment? Baby daughter sleeps in our room which I think may have something to do with it, and I'm planning on getting her into her own room asap, but DH needs it for an office and we can't move her in there for another month. That may solve everything, but in the meantime I feel so bad for my son who wakes up happy but tired by 9 am because he's only gotten 9-10 hours of sleep overnight? I'm resisting the idea of room sharing because I think it will ultimately be harder on me and I think it's unfair to have them in the same room when they are both so young. Any thoughts??