Hi everyone,
My LO is one on Saturday (awww!) but he is causing havoc with my wrinkles by having multiple NWs. I'm thinking this is all to do with the 2:1 transition and currently he is on 2 naps still (one big am one and one capped pm one approx 45mins to 1 hr) but we're still getting horrid nights.
I just read on another thread about if you're getting a long (2.5+hr) nap then it might be time to transition to 1 nap in the day and do EBT. Is that right? If I push the morning A time to the limit he can do sometimes 3hrs A time.
Might be worth trying for a week?
By the way, the NWs tonight have been very frequent and at one point every 20 mins which leads me to believe OT, right?