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Offline Jaxsta81

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Transition question!
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:33:00 am »
Hi everyone,

My LO is one on Saturday (awww!) but he is causing havoc with my wrinkles by having multiple NWs. I'm thinking this is all to do with the 2:1 transition and currently he is on 2 naps still (one big am one and one capped pm one approx 45mins to 1 hr) but we're still getting horrid nights.

I just read on another thread about if you're getting a long (2.5+hr) nap then it might be time to transition to 1 nap in the day and do EBT. Is that right? If I push the morning A time to the limit he can do sometimes 3hrs A time.

Might be worth trying for a week?

By the way, the NWs tonight have been very frequent and at one point every 20 mins which leads me to believe OT, right?

Offline *Kara*

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Re: Transition question!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2013, 04:10:54 am »
What does his day look like now hun??

He needs to be able to do at least 4.5 hrs of A time twice a day to go to one nap consistently... otherwise, you can cap the AM nap at 30 mins or so and then do PM nap about 3 hrs later.

Offline Jaxsta81

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Re: Transition question!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 09:48:16 am »
Hmm when you put it like that - he's not ready then. We can do 4 hours but I think only once in the day if you know what I mean!

Ok - this is what I was working to -

WU - 7am
S - 10/10.30am - 12.30pm (I would have to wake him)
S - 4pm (generally have some resisitance - could take 20 mins to get him down) - 5pm
Bath/Bottle/Bed - starts at 6.30pm

Today I'm going to try a 30 min CN in the morning and a bigger sleep in the pm. I am wondering if he's OT from actually not getting a restorative sleep since lunchtime. If I flip it round, he'll be fine with a CN in the am as he's just had nighttime sleep and then do the bigger chunk at about 2pm. Well, that's the plan and I'm going to stick at it all week and see what happens.

All I keep thinking about is a good friend of mine who has a boy who barely sleeps in the day, he catches 40 winks here and there and goes down for bed fine and does a full uninterrupted 12/13 hrs sleep. It just doesn't seem fair!!! waaa!!!

Offline *Kara*

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Re: Transition question!
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2013, 03:55:56 am »
We all have that friend hun ;)

Most will do 2.5hrs or so after a 30 min CN in the AM :)  Keep a close eye for OT!