Looking for some help with 9 month old DD's routine - she has never been a good sleeper and was having 5-6 NWs a night for a few months. This has slightly improved recently with some long 5-6 hours stretches half the time, but she still wakes a lot (less than every hour) esp towards WU. She needs me to rush in, pat her firmly back to sleep for those (sometimes for 20 minutes or more), otherwise she tends to just get more and more awake and then refuse to go back to sleep for another hour or so raring to go!
Please take a look at my routine - is she getting too much day sleep?? A prop issue with the patting?
The past two days:
WU 6.17
E - 6.30 but pretty much refused solids/BF - 8AM
A - 2 hr 57 (normally she lasts a bit longer than this but she had a really bad night - 9.5 hrs sleep the night before)
S - 9.13 to 10.51 (1 hr 40 nap)
E - BF at 11 and then refused solids again
A - 3 hours 45
S - 2.36 to 3.10 (pooped waking her up)
E - BF 3.30 then dinner solids around 5pm
BT - 6.47 (exhausted)
NW: 10.30 to 12.30 (fed her then she refused to sleep just wanted to be patted otherwise she'd alternate between laughing wide awake and then crying), 3AM (fed), 5.30 - patted back to sleep for these
WU 6.15
E - refused solids breakfast again then BF at 7.40
A - 3 hours (really tired and went down very quickly)
S - 9.18 to 10.40 (1 hr 22 nap)
E - 11am 90ml of youghurt then BF around 12
A - 3 hours 50 minutes (refused to sleep any earlier)
S - 2.26 to 4pm (1 hr 34 - needed extending by patting around 30m, and 40m mark)
BT - 7.25
Then we had a good stretch first NW at 1.20am (fed and straight back to sleep), then 4.47 up for the day! (I tried patting after feeding but she just became wide awake when I tried to gradually slow down or changed to patting the mattress, then it just became a lost cause she was ready to go and play....)
Now first nap of 40 minutes after 3 hrs from WU of 4.47....
How much day sleep should a 9 mo be having? Is she having too much??
Thanks so much.