Author Topic: Gradual retreat sleep training?  (Read 12215 times)

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Offline Lauraemily84

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Re: Gradual retreat sleep training?
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2013, 14:28:19 pm »
Sounds like you're making great progress!

Re the NWs I think these will improve once he settles completely independently. Can you start reducing the amount of shh-ing you are doing? Perhaps try only shh-ing if he gets upset? From where you are now, you really don't have too far to go, you just need to keep up the momentum to move forward iyswim :)

If his sleep is better now then maybe that is why his nights are shorter now (he doesn't need to stay in bed so long to get same amount of sleep). Also, the EWs could be a symptom of him not being a completely independent sleeper yet but when he wakes early morning he's not tired enough to go back to sleep.

You could post your routine to see if we can suggest any tweaks if you like?

Also, in next next few months and once he is falling asleep independently, you could try introducing a Groclock or lights on a timer to help with EWs - it really helped us around 19/20 months.
Thank u for your reply. His routine is
WU Around 6ish
Nap 12.15 for about 1.5 hours ( sometimes just one hour and sometimes two hours)
7.15 -7.30 ish bath
bottle pjs and story
7.30-8pm bedtime
He has always been a grumpy child crys and winges a lot so maybe his not sleeping enough
I worry about an earlier bedtime making him wake even earlier

Offline Lauraemily84

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Help sleep regression again what do I do???
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2013, 05:58:53 am »
I did gradual retreat with my 17 month old son recently which seemed to work well and ended up being able to just 'shhhhh' him when he went to bed or night waking from outside his room.   But two nights ago he went down ok but 20 mins later started crying and screaming and it then took a hour to get him to sleep and this was only through me going back in his room by the doorway so he could see me! Then last night same again but took a hour and a half to sleep, he then woke about 12.15 am for over a hour and then woke at 6 am this morning for the day! He would only sleep being able to see me, if I stand just out of sight and shhh him he cries and stands in his cot and throws his pillow and comforter out the cot and screams, he has to have his comfort bunny as it has his dummy's attached as he needs to have a dummy still so I end up doing rapid return to give bunny back and lay him down but he just keeps throwing it out as soon as I'm out the room what do I do?we live in a small house my partner has to be up at 6 am every day ATM for 8-12 hour days work so he gives no support to me only shouts at me and gets cross please help

Offline Lauraemily84

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Re: Gradual retreat sleep training?
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2013, 06:11:40 am »
Last two nights his gone back to being a bad sleeper, he won't sleep without me being in the same room, when I leave the room and shhh he just cries screams stands up and throw s everything out of his cot inc his comforter with his dummies which he won't sleep without so I did rapid return laying him back down saying bedtime and giving his comforter back but he just repeats as soon as I leave the room! Should I start gradual retreat again? He took a hour and a half to get to sleep last night I moved his bedtime to 7.30 but he didn't goto sleep until 9 pm then woke around 12.15 am for over a hour and then up for the day at 6 am today I'm shattered and confused why he has gone back to being like this after my hard work I don't know wat to do  :'(

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Re: Gradual retreat sleep training?
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2013, 08:46:07 am »
Hugs hon. I would start GW again - when LOs start with sleepy training there can often be a regression and it may just be this is happening now. Try and be consistent with your approach to his refusals and NWs and he will get it eventually.

It might be that his day needs a little tweak. BT does seem quite late for a 6am wake-up and a nap of 1.5hrs or less. Have you always had a BT of 7.30 or later or is this a more recent thing? Has WU always been at 6 or has this crept in recently? My thoughts are if you have always had BT at this time and the earlier WU has just started recently, it might be that you need to go a little later with the nap but keep BT the same and hopefully morning will follow later. But, let me know what he's been doing recently and we'll have a think.
~ Naomi ~

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Re: Gradual retreat sleep training?
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2013, 17:51:22 pm »
I agree with Naomi about sticking with/going back to the GW again

17-18 months was a really tricky patch for us sleep-wise as there was so much going on developmentally messing up with her sleep.  But hang in there and I'm sure you will crack it :)
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline Lauraemily84

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Re: Gradual retreat sleep training?
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2013, 19:07:18 pm »
Yea his always gone to bed between 7.30-8.30 pm generally 8pm, he has pretty much always woken in the night once or more but would generally sleep till 7am or later sometimes even 8-8.30am so I'm not sure why his waking earlier, I have tried earlier bedtimes but he doesn't actually goto sleep until 7.30/8pm so not sure how I can do an earlier bedtime. He takes ages to get to sleep again and cries and stands in his cot shouting at me. This evening I stood out of sight and did rapid return until he went to sleep. It doesn't help him teething bad and having continuous colds / coughs. I just wish he would sleep

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Re: Gradual retreat sleep training?
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2013, 20:45:14 pm »
It is so hard withthe teething and colds etc AND the18 month regression. We are there too & it sucks! But if you can hold firm and be consistent it will help.

If you can I really would stick with GW rather than WIwO if you cando it as this is more appropriate for an LO who hasn't slept fully independently before, it is just a bit more gentle for them, as the name might suggest.

Also, if you've always worked a more 8-8 type schedule, I think a nap at 12 is possibly what is leading to some EWs. Lots of Los on a 7-7 pattern will nap at 12/12.30 at this age so if you want an 8ish BT and a later WU you may need to shift the nap slowly towards 1/1.30. What do you think?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 12:14:35 pm by Buttonbobs »
~ Naomi ~

Offline Lauraemily84

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Re: Gradual retreat sleep training?
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2013, 12:05:36 pm »
 :) Ok il give it a try.