J is 15 months, on one nap since 12/13 months.
Routine has been fairly consistent:
WU 6.30/7 (wakes herself)
Nap 11.45 - about an hour at nursery (M/W/Th) and usually 2-3h at home - I assume catch ups! (cap at 3h)
BT 18.15/30
Usually STTN
Last 2-3 weeks most days WU has been nearer 6/6.15, rest of routine remains unchanged. Goes down for naps and BT easily, always very ready for BT on nursery days, and often needs a slightly earlier nap on Friday after two days at nursery.
Overall it's pretty good - I shouldn't complain too much! But that extra half an hour in the morning would be nice so I can get ready without her clinging to my ankles

she will play in her cot for 10-15 mins or so, but once she's thrown her lovey out

she gets upset and then that's it for entertaining herself.
Teeth wise she has had two canines cut in last month, and other two are bulging but not particularly troubling her at present (usually obvious when they are). Has all her one year molars.
So........do we think later nap? Later BT? Or just stick with it for now?