Author Topic: He morphed into a picky eater  (Read 1474 times)

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Offline Lindsay27

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He morphed into a picky eater
« on: May 06, 2013, 22:39:24 pm »
My DS is just over a year, and I've virtually never had any solid food feeding issue with him.  He loved everything he ate.  Despite his size, he was a big eater and would try just about anything.  Now...oh my what has happened!?  I can't get him to eat anything!  He used to love meatballs, broccoli & cheese cakes, pasta w/ meat sauce, macaroni & cheese, pitas, toast w/ peanut butter or jam, hummus, beans, grilled cheese, etc.  Whatever we ate for dinner he'd eat.  Now, he won't eat any of that.  I virtually cannot get any grains into him, and meat...forget it.

The only things he will take are steamed sweet potatoes, asparagus, blueberries, and avocados.  I've tried spreading avocado on pita, nann, toast, or tortilla and he won't take it.  Sometimes I can get him to eat an egg/omelet and blueberry pancakes (which used to be his fav) is becoming less and less of a go-to.  I mean, I know the things he does eat are really good for him, but I have a hard time believe he can sustain himself off fruit & veggies alone.  Oh, and one more thing...he refuses to be spoon fed (other than yogurt), so anything involving that is out.

He still has 2 formula bottles and he was weaning himself, but he's picked up quite a bit over the last little while...I suspect his body needs the calories. 

I'm starting to get frustrated, every mealtime I am standing in the kitchen scratching my head wondering what the heck I'm gonna feed this kid.  Sigh.

Any suggestions, favs, tips?

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Re: He morphed into a picky eater
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 22:39:18 pm »
I think it's quite common for a toddlers appetite to reduce at around 1yo.  I'd say that if you keep giving him his favourites he will eat them, even with less of an appetite.  Keep offering the things he's taken in the past and new things alongside something you know he'll have.
Do you think he might be teething?

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Re: He morphed into a picky eater
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 02:18:52 am »
My DD went through that and seems to be going through it again at 2. We would offer what she would eat but we would also try new things. I think she started getting burnt out on the same 12 go-to foods. That was when we started really feeding her what we were eating. I would try and be very aware of what she ate throughout the day and avoided snacks so she would be HUNGRY and I would try to avoid letting her get an extra bottle bc that would start the not eating cycle over again. Shes getting picky again and it drives me CRAZY...especially when we clean up from dinner and all she is begging for is fruit snacks or some other junk. If I know she needs to eat ill giver her some peanut butter on graham crackers and let her dip them in a bowl of mik...I figure thats better than junk. She gets a bottle before bed so I know she will have something in her when she goes to bed. Hang in gets better!!!!!!!!
