Author Topic: Just 8 months E routine please  (Read 1736 times)

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Just 8 months E routine please
« on: May 21, 2013, 19:29:17 pm »
My dd just turned 8 months old today and I am having trouble with how/what to feed. Can someone point me in the right direction? This is what her E looks like:

Bf upon waking 6:30/7
Solids 8 am. Cries through this. Attempt oatmeal (have also tried rice cereal) but will only take maybe a tbsp or 2. Offer fruit puree and will only take maybe 1/3 to 1/2 small jar
Bf 10:30 but not too interested lately
Solids at 11:45 meat and veg usually she'll eat half a jar of veg and maybe 2 tbsp of meat
Bf 2:30 not too interested
2 rusks at about 5. We tried supper for a few days and we were getting poopy diapers at 4 am. Still are. So not sure what to offer her at this time
Bf at bedtime
Has been waking 3-4 hrs after bedtime. Most likely an OT issue. Try not to feed her but sometimes she just won't settle and takes a full feed. Sometimes she wakes at midnight instead.
Nw #2 anywhere from 2-4. Always feed here. A few days she wakes at 4ish with a dirty diaper.

She has sttn maybe 15 times in her life. Then it was just once around 2-3.Since starting solids she wakes more. So I am not sure if she is getting enough milk in the day, enough soilds etc. Any help would be great!

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Re: Just 8 months E routine please
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 19:48:23 pm »
I'm not an expert but i would say the amount she is eating is fine. My Lo is just over 9 months and has porride (2 tbsp) or 3/4 of a weetabix, 1/2 slice of toast or small yoghurt for breakfast. Lunch would be meat and veg 3-4 tbsp and 1-2 tbsp fruit. Then dinner is usually pasta 3-4 tbsp, i do dinner early at 16:30 so its not so close to BT.

But apart from dinner they are eating almost the same amount, she only started taking more than 2-3 tbsp at lunch and dinner a few weeks ago, when your DD is ready she will start taking more. Some babies just east more than others the same as some adults do its nothing to worry about. Just offer as much as she will take she'll let you know when she is full or ready to take more.

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Re: Just 8 months E routine please
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2013, 03:17:03 am »
Before their first birthday you dont need to worry about how much solids they eat. It's just an introduction. Not at all sure about all the NWs. DS2 turned 8 months on the 27 and is doing the same thing. I thought maybe it was him working out standing as that is his latest obsession or he is working on his first tooth that finally broke through this morning! Yay! Is your LO working on any milestones or teeth? has some yummy recipes to try. As well as what foods for which age.
Catherine - Sri - Vee
