Author Topic: New to this board - 6 months old and still on 3 hour feeding schedule...  (Read 710 times)

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Offline mtemte

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So to cut a very long story short, we have a reflux baby which has always had very short feeding cycles. Due to this, it has been very hard to follow any other sort of routine that will fit in around the feeding. She was feeding every 2 hours up to 4 months and is now on a 3 hour feeding schedule.
So she has a bottle at 8am, 11, 2, 5, 7 (bedtime) and a dreamfeed at 1030. She has only just this week seemed to drop the 3am feed. We generally try to feed her a 5oz feed each time but more often than not, she will only take up to 4oz. On a rare occasion (maybe once a day), she will finish the 5oz.
So any ideas on how to transition to a 4 hour schedule. Im afraid that if we push it to 4 hours, she will still continue to take 4oz with each feed, as she never seems to be too pushed about taking more and that will not be enough for her in the day. Im also just starting PUPD with her (we ar eon day 3) and the night feed has been dropped by her since starting it so Im a little concerned if I move to a 4 hr schedule that she wont be getting enough milk.
Any suggestions pls?

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Hello.  My DS had silent reflux and also fed every 3hrs up to 6 months. It was impossible to move to 4hrs, the most we could stretch was if a nap took him over his 3hr feed and he would eat when he woke.  At 6 months I introduced solids, began baby led weaning, and found within a short space of time the milk feeds naturally shifted to 4 hrs. I think a combination of things were at play, solids an hour after milk meant he wasn't quite so desperate for a milk feed at the 3hr mark so he showed less (or no) interest and I would re-offer the milk a little later when he would happily take it; A times lengthen and naps move which can shift feeds simply because they sleep through it so it comes when they wake.  So, you may find the feed times move quite naturally without you trying or worrying over it.
Another thing happened when we began solids although a much shorter lived phase, he would want a milk feed directly following a solids feed so there were a bunch of extra milk feeds added to the day.  So milk at 7am solids at 8am and another milk at say 8.45am (he took a long time over meals).  I used to prep a small bottle with milk and a small bottle with water to have them handy during the solids meal and let him have whichever he wanted.  We moved to a sippy cup gradually.
I haven't answered your question there about how to move to 4hrly, but maybe you don't need to.

Offline mtemte

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OK creations thanks so much,

I'll wait a while and see if it changes. Im not concerned - I just want to make sure she is getting enough milk.
Thanks again!