Author Topic: 6 wk old, no routine at all, AP lurking - advice needed!  (Read 806 times)

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6 wk old, no routine at all, AP lurking - advice needed!
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:15:50 am »
Advice please!
Im struggling to implement any hint of EASY with my 6 week old. My 2yo toddler has a great routine -awake at 6.30, nap 12-2, dinner at 5, bath at 6, bedtime at 7pm, STTN.

I'm finding it hard to incorporate a routine for DS because each feed (breast feeding) lasts an hour, then he needs a LOT of burping and still spits up later. By the time I put him down he has often been awake 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes more. He doesnt like to be put down so settling him with toddler running around is impossible. Typically I end up rocking or (worse) feeding him to sleep. Even then he often wakes 5 mins later crying, sometimes because he has done a spit-up. And then he will just nap for 30 mins. By then I'm starting to think he won't settle because he is due a feed - so I feed him but of course he is still tired so he falls asleep and he doesn't get a proper feed OR a proper nap and then I have no idea where we are up to in EASY (definitely not at the Y!). Aargh!
If he falls asleep in the car he can sleep much longer (especially if he has slept in car past the 30 minute mark - then he will often stay asleep longer, even if I take him out of the car (in his baby capsule). He does a morning nap in the car at least 3x a week because of dropping my daughter at daycare.

At night I get him to sleep (rocking or feeding) and then I transfer him to his cot. He sleeps about 3 hours then after that it's every 2-3 hours. Because each feed lasts an hour and settling is hard I have done the inevitable and just bring him in bed where I can doze off while he feeds but it's not great because he gets wind and then wriggles so much I end up waking more often anyway until morning.

Also, when feeding he often falls asleep at the breast and NEVER pulls off himself when he is done. I end up taking him off when I can feel my breasts are less full (after an hour - I have really slow milk flow I think) or when he is just doing slow sucking. He is gaining weight ok - is it normal that he doesn't come off himself? Does it mean he's not full (or does he no longer feel full because his body has already digested some of the milk from the start of the feedsn hour ago?!).

Any advice on where to start resolving any of this would be appreciated!

« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 10:35:06 am by butterfly111 »

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Re: 6 wk old, no routine at all, AP lurking - advice needed!
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 20:25:26 pm »
Hi there, I'm sorry we didn't spot you before now. Just want to add some reassurance. Your LO is still so smallish really wouldn't worry too much about using whatever methods work for you all as a family for now.

I'm going to see if I can get some BF advice on here for you to see if we can help you at all. Hugsxx
~ Naomi ~

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Re: 6 wk old, no routine at all, AP lurking - advice needed!
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2013, 20:44:22 pm »
In that hour feed, are you feeding from one side or both?
*** Amanda ***

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Re: 6 wk old, no routine at all, AP lurking - advice needed!
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2013, 20:48:57 pm »
Have you considered reflux? Reflux 101 - General reflux information just wondering about this since you say he spits up lots and sleeps well in the car.

I would actually take him off the breast as soon as his sucking slows and you can see less swallowing. It sounds like he may be asleep and just carrying on sucking. If he wakes you can burp and put him on the other side.

Will he sleep in a wrap or sling so you can get out and do more while he sleeps?

He is really young so I wouldn't worry about props just yet, he will definitely need help settling. Have you tried shh pat? Even in your arms this can pave the way to putting him down awake and doing it in the cot. Shush-pat - How to

Posted with Amanda...
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