Author Topic: My LO doesn't like bath time  (Read 2130 times)

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Offline Sarachan

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My LO doesn't like bath time
« on: June 05, 2013, 15:20:33 pm »
Hello Everyone,
my DD is 12 week and she really doesn't like bath time. She is smiling while I undress her, but when I put her in the water she starts being worried, after 2 minutes starts moaning and finally she cries. Sometimes she lasts 2 minutes more, but in the end she cries when I dress her :'(.
I tried doing the bath in the evening, in the morning, in the afternoon, nothing changes. I tried with soft music, silence, singing, nothing changes. I tried different water temperature, but she really doesn't like the bath. She seems scared  ???. What can I do?
Moreover, we have a swimming pool close to home, I'd like a lot to take swimming lessons with her, but I don't know if it's a good idea if she continues not to like bath... what do you suggest?
Many thanks!  :-*

Offline jessmum46

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Re: My LO doesn't like bath time
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2013, 16:14:05 pm »
Have you thought about running a big bath and then getting in with her, keeping her close to your chest so she can feel secure but enjoy the sensation of the water too? 

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Re: My LO doesn't like bath time
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2013, 19:42:24 pm »
I'd second that! Plus it gets you clean at the same time! And if you are breastfeeding it's a great combination.

It's probably the insecurity of the situation that she is fighting.
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Re: My LO doesn't like bath time
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2013, 22:54:08 pm »
My DS hated bath time too. Bathing together was a little better so i agree to try it, but for mine he still wasn't happy. So, I washed him with a cloth morning and night and dipped him in the quickest bath no more than once per week, maybe less tbh but he was clean and that's really all that matters.  There is a life time ahead to learn to enjoy water, swimming, baths, etc it doesn't all have to happen right now.  I treid a different type of bath time to time but not too frequently so as to respect his dislike.  He was once happy for a couple of mins in a FULL bath with me holding him up, almost swimming/floating.
At about 5.5 or 6 months he suddenly enjoyed a bath if it was very shallow and he was laying down on his back in it (so shallow that it didn't not go past his ears when laying - dry face) and smiled at me.  For a few months we did that, it was lovely and worth the wait. That's when we took a swim class.  Then he didn't like laying in it any more and wanted to be sitting up but continued to enjoy having baths, every day.  Once he was sitting up he couldn't bare water poured on his head (despite having previously been fine with it) so hair washing was difficult (I used a wash cloth and avoided pouring water for a good while so that he did not become frightened) but eventually he has learned how to tilt his head back and accepts water on his head.

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Re: My LO doesn't like bath time
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2013, 22:57:55 pm »
DD2 hated baths as well...and they got her way overstimulated anyways, so for the first 6 months of her life I only sponge bathed her every day and maybe once every two weeks gave her a real bath first thing in the a.m. (when she was at her best) to see if she had changed her tune. Once she could sit up and interact with her sister in the tub it was much better (oh and if it has any bearing, she has always hated being laid back and to this day will not lay back in the tub!)

Offline Sarachan

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Re: My LO doesn't like bath time
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2013, 17:56:46 pm »
Thanks a lot! That's a great idea, I'll try to run a bath with her next Saturday, I prefer to have my husband available if she starts crying  ;)
I let you know! Thanks again!  :-*

Offline Sarachan

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Re: My LO doesn't like bath time
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2013, 09:04:46 am »
Well, yesterday we run the bath together :). At the beginning she was afraid as usual, but I hugged her and she was more relaxed. The bath lasted 10 minutes (usually only 2-3)! She was not exactly happy, but better than usual and in the end she even smiled me twice ;D! Then my husband dressed her and she cried a bit, but I think she was overstimulated. I try again in the next days, but how can you do it without someone helping you to get in and out the bath tub  ????
Thanks again!  :-*