Author Topic: Please help - I have no idea of the amount of A time for a 11 month old?  (Read 819 times)

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Offline ginacr

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I am struggling to work out what the A time should be for my 11 1/2 month baby? any ideas? if he wakes at 7/7:30 when should he next go down for a nap? If I keep him up to 11 he usually only sleeps for an hour half and wakes at say 12:30 for lunch. Then there is really no time left in the day for another nap as he goes to bed at 7 pm. Should I be keeping him awake until 12? and try to get him to have some lunch first? he usually has breakfast at 8am, (bf at 7/7:30) a snack at say 10:30 and then bf at 3:30 & another bf bed.

Offline jessmum46

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You can do a shorter second nap after which he wouldn't need a full A time - something like:

WU 7
Nap 11-12.30
Nap 4.30-5 (catnap - can be out and about)
BT 7pm

That's a pretty typical routine for this age group :). Also you can look here: chronological EASY samples, 10-12 months

If the second nap is difficult or gets refused, you can switch things round so you do a short am nap and long pm, e.g.

WU 7
Nap 10-10.30
Nap 1.30-3/3.30
BT 7/7.30

Hope that helps x