So we're now 15 weeks (17 adjusted as she was late) and I have been trying to stretch her to a 2 hour A time although it's hard as naps are all over the place.
Yesterday was 5am - wake, gave 1/2 feed, went back to sleep
7am - wake feed
S - 9:15am (she was a nightmare going down when I tried wind down at 1 hr 30 and 1 hr 45 and took ages to go down)
30 min wake up, took 30 mins again to go back to sleep, eventually got another hour out of her until...
E - 11am
S - 12:30pm, I felt she needed earlier due to the crappy morning naps but again a 30 min wake up and took ages to get back down
E - 3pm
S - 5pm in car for 20 mins
E - split feed 1/2 before bath and 1/2 after)
S - 7pm was a bit hard to put down
Df 10:30
Wake - 5am but went back until 5:30
Tried to see if she would take dummy rather than feed but wouldn't. Fed 1/2 feed and put back
Bleated until 6:30 on and off, sounded like mantra cry so left her but then wondered if could be wind so attempted burping her. Gave her remaining of feed and put straight back with intention of waking at 7:30... But we both slept until 9...
And I kind of thought that if I woke her early after she'd been up since 5:30 then I'd just have an OT baby to start the day with.
So now I am not sure what to do.
I am confused on the morning waking (her room is very dark and I know she can sleep later as she has gone until 6:30 before)
And I am confused as to how to go about the rest of our day now! Do I aim for naps 11 - 1, 3 -5 and then bed at 7? Will a 2 hour nap before bedtime like that mess things up? Am I better doing two catnaps?
Regarding the 2 hour A time, do I enforce it strictly and do SP/PUPD to extend naps like TH suggests in the book? She's been doing 1 hr 30 for a while although we've never gotten a strict 3 hour routine going as we have always struggled a little with naps, some long some short. Obviously she is in a huge developmental place at the moment which I know doesn't help!
She generally seems happy to go 4 hours between feeds which is why I was aiming for the 4 hour EASY, so I guess today we'll be doing feeds before naptimes. It's not a habit she is used to or that I want to start so guess it'll have to just be a one off.