Anyone hang by the bedside and when your little one starts to fuss and won't settle at the 40 min mark use a pacifier to keep them down, without waking to extend their nap? Around 35 to 40 mins in my LO needs about 10 mn of soothing I start wi a firm hand on her chest and ssshhh if that doesn't work I pop in a pacifier this started today for all naps, she sucks for a few, then settles and goes back down for another cycle.
Prior to this she was staying down on her own but at this stage with us being on easy since day approaching the 3 week mark mean they are more aware and wake themselves from their sleep cycles more easily? Is the pacifier considered a prop when used this way? Around how many weeks are they when they can deal with naps without sleep cycles disturbing them? She is swaddled and on three hour EASY.