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milk, milk and more milk
« on: July 14, 2013, 20:55:44 pm »
Can I have some advice, my 20 month old has decided he won't eat and only wants milk! I'm in a sticky situat as he has a rare genetic condition and it effects his blood sugars, blood pressure etc he was eating but now will push it away and just climes out of his chair, he's a spirited baby and has been through hell and back with hospital visits, I think I have caused this problem as when he wouldn't eat I would offer other things as I worried about his blood sugar where as with my daughter if she didn't eat it she went to bed hungry ! Now he refuses tea and will just scream, and scream, milk milk milk... I offer banana yoghurt and I've been persisting with offering usual family meals, risotto, Bolognese, roast chicken, which he just pushes away, he doesn't ask for milk at this point, it's at night time he will cry until I get milk, I can't let him cry it out as he has high blood pressure at the moment, so I am guess I am asking has anyone just let them survive on milk for a bit? Anyone got any tips? He's a healthy size so not worried too much yet, his last two days have been... Day 1, half a sausage roll and 24 oz milk,day 2 a ppacket of lin bear crisps and 28 oz milk..... Sorry to rant, any help? Advice? The above is what he has eaten all day!

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Re: milk, milk and more milk
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2013, 21:20:56 pm »
I have not had this difficulty but my LO was never good at taking protein even though he was offered different things at both lunch and dinner, I made breakfast a protein meal and he ate the lot without question, then I knew for the rest of the day I didn't have to worry myself over him taking protein. So just wondered if you have tried any non-breakfast type meals at breakfast time?

How long has it been like this with just milk and almost no solids?  Is he teething, that can have a big impact on eating?
If it is long term I would ask for a referral to a dietitian/nutritionist to support you through this because you obviously have his other medical needs to take into account too.  Until you have a plan of action I would continue to let him have as much milk as he wants so at least he is getting that.

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Re: milk, milk and more milk
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2013, 21:56:38 pm »
Thanks for your quick reply, he could well be teething as he's been fussy and dribbling, he has all his front teeth so it could be back moalers, he's been like this for about 2 weeks where its extreme but I feel like its been heading this way for a while.  I kinda wanted someone to say just give him milk so thank you, I got to the stage where I'm trying to force feed him and that's not good I know I need to just offer and if he doesnt want not to make a fuss, I've noticed his older sister who used to eat anything is copying him now though and not eating too! to be far it is really hot here at the moment and has been 29 in his room tonight, I have left water for him and put a fan on, I know I am not as hungry in this hot weather but like you say I will get professional advice if it continues, how long does the teething usually last... or is that like how long is a piece of string, lol!

I will try something different for breakfast thats a great idea, breakfast is usually his least favorite meal but no harm in trying, I always offer breakfast first before milk


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Re: milk, milk and more milk
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 06:35:19 am »
With the breakfast, I never realised how keen my LO could be for it.  I had just been giving him muesli (a baby one as it's fortified and he wouldn't have any other cereal) or toast etc he didn't *look* like it was his fav meal in any way.  It was only when someone else suggested to me to try a switch around that I discovered he would eat a whole egg for breakfast and in our case this went a LONG way to balancing his nutritional needs as before he might have eaten half an egg once or twice per week.  If you save some left over dinner, steamed veg for example he could have it straight from the fridge the next morning, or make an omelet. Worth a try for a week even if he still doesn't take it.

Teething goes on and on and ON. The molars especially are awful, I thought canines were bad until molars started.  And yes as long as a piece of string, we've been having molar teething for over a year now!  He's just got his last one a few weeks back but continued to have pain after it looked fully through so there must have been some final movement going on.  The discomfort tends to come in waves and each one puts them off their food and can cause sleep problems, then they seem to make up for the lost calories and eat the fridge clean.

I know what you mean about not wanting to eat so much in hot weather, me too.  I think though if it has been this extreme for 2 weeks, and given his age, I would prob drop in the the GP and ask for a referral.  it will take time to get the appointment through and if he has a sudden turn around and starts eating you can always cancel the appointment.  If he continues taking only milk you will at least know the appointment is coming up rather than waiting another several weeks yk?  That's what I'd do.

I wonder if there are any times he just wants water? I assume you've tried water in place of milk for some of the oz?
Is he taking the milk in bottles or a cup?  I wonder if you offered a sippy or open cup of milk alongside a small meal/snack he might go for the solids instead of the milk?  Perhaps some very tempting food such as pancakes or mini muffins?  (home made can be very healthy, no sugar, and incorporating fruit and veg too so it seems like a sweet treat but actually it isn't bad at all)  If I was in this position I'd give him any food he would accept, even if it was 'cake' (home made with veg and fruit) just to get the solids habit going again, then gradually increase the variety of foods.  Will he take sweet fruits? melon, cherries, sultanas, maybe something like canned peaches (in juice not syrup) or pineapple?
Would he and his sister find it fun to have something to dip maybe?  Carrot batons and pitta bread fingers with a guacamole or humus dip for example?  Dress up the food a bit so it looks visually appetising, more like a game than a meal?  I'm not a fan of making food dressing up food for kids, I think they 'should' be encouraged to have family meals, but this is a different case, yk, where anything that helps would be worth a shot.

How old is his sister?  Is it possible to talk with her privately about her own nutrition to discourage her from copying him with the milk?

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Re: milk, milk and more milk
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2013, 11:51:49 am »
if you're concerned that all he'll eat (drink) is milk - do you think he would take a kind of smoothie/milk shake e.g. milk whizzed up with strawberries or another fruit?  not sure if that's something you'd want to encourage as I guess long term you want to get him back on solids but might be an idea temporarily to vary his diet a bit?
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