HI Everyone
I will try to keep this as short and to the point as possible but it's a big mess!!!
My DD just turned 17 months and has never been an independent sleeper
which is my fault I know lol......I should have sleep trained her ages ago for her sake.
She wakes a lot at night and I don't know where to start?
She generally wakes at 9:00, naps from about 1:30 to 3:30 (sometimes less, sometimes a bit longer) and then bed at about 9:30
I know this is late and we got into this later BT when she switched to 1 nap but I didn't want to mess with it too much as it is what works best for us so far. I'm hoping when the time changes in November it will all just be an hour earlier (fingers crossed)
She goes to bed easily but falls asleep in my arms in a rocking chair in her room after she nurses. I lay her in her crib and walk out but she will wake after a few hours calling/crying for me. It has gotten to the point where I just bring her to bed with me because when I have tried calming her back to sleep she gets very upset to the point where she was purposely banging her face on the crib for me to pick her up
When she naps in the afternoon I have been laying with her in my bed as well because everyone was soooo tired it just seemed to be the only way we were getting sleep.
My DH works away and is only home every 3rd week which makes this hard but also agrees we need to do something but I have NO IDEA where to begin??? I'm thinking GW would be our best bet but really don't know......Please Help!!