Author Topic: 22 month NW and nap dropping, we are all over the show!  (Read 873 times)

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Offline sweetmummy

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22 month NW and nap dropping, we are all over the show!
« on: August 08, 2013, 20:29:00 pm »

My soon is 22 months old, and to be fair he has never been a wonderful night sleeper, eg seveer silent reflux till 14 months, seveer allergies to just about everything, and he is under a ENt fro his huge amounts of croup etc.

the last 10 days he has suddenly just stopped his afternoon sleep, to be fair I was considering dropping it, he was doing 1.5 hours but we were starting to get some DEW of 545am, but like overnight he suddenly went from his 130'sh day sleep till not one at all, in which case he would go to bed early, but evev before all this he has been night waking for about 6 months! all different time of night. eg 1230 130, 230 3am, 430. can be once or twice.
what I have to do is say 'shhhhhh' and he goes back to sleep and he can go back to sleep for 5-15 min,s then wakes again, to see if i'm there? or i'm not sure why?
so in his room which is really big, I end up sleeping in the queen bed, and verytime he makes a noise/cries out I say 'sh' and goes back to sleep this can take up to an hour to fianlly get him back to sleep for 'the  night.
 i'm exhausted! my 3.5 yr old daughter we have white noise playing  in her room so she doesn't wake.

i'm not sure why I should be doing? if he hast ha a sleep I will soemtimes 'do an errand' around 3pm, and he Might nod off for 10 min, sometimes not tho. and if he does have a slepe it's around 2pm, but he tends to wake at 40 mins, but then at nighttime to bed is hard as he's just not tired. we prefer 7pm bedtime here.

so last night he went to bed 630pm, fell asleep 645, then woek at 420am, and finally got back to sleep at 515am and he slept till 730am.
i'm lost! any help would be great!
he has x2 loveys, a dummy , and he is in a big boys bed, but NEVER gets out ( phew!).

thank you!

Offline HenaV

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Re: 22 month NW and nap dropping, we are all over the show!
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 22:11:20 pm »

((Hugs)) so painful, i know! My gut feel from what you're saying us that your LO us OT. Could you pose a typical date in EAS Format?

My other thought is teeth - prime age for those molars  :-\

Offline sweetmummy

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Re: 22 month NW and nap dropping, we are all over the show!
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2013, 00:26:05 am »

Thank you.

So for the last 2 days I have taken him on a buggy walk and he has fallen asleep and woken at 40 min roughly at 145/1pm and woken 40 min from there ( I kow he wont sleep in his bed during the day, he plasy happily up there till I go and get him and that could be over an hour ;). his wake up has been 7am, and then bedtime 630pm'sh.
Both night have had NW's at 145 and then 130am consecutively.
There are no tears at bedtime etc.
his mood during the day is always happy, he has been low needs eg he dropped to one nap at 11 months, and there were no problems.
so u think he is OT?

thanks xx

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Re: 22 month NW and nap dropping, we are all over the show!
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2013, 06:12:45 am »
Looking how much DTS your LO is getting, I would have said so. Multiple NW and EW here are usually OT but waking in the early hours sometime between 1-2am (usually for a chat or sing song)us UT here. All That said if your LO is LSN??? I just can't see that a 40m nap would lead your LO to being UT.

So WU is 6.30 & BT is 7pm.

I'm not clear what time you nap - 1.45/1pm?? Did you mean 12.45/1pm?

If you don't think your LOs OT because of behaviour etc. then it might be worth pushing the nap
Out to make it a little later. I usually do that in no more than 15m increments and making your day a 13h day - does that make sense?

If you think your LO could be OT and you can't get a longer nap you may have to EBT?

What do you think?


Offline sweetmummy

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Re: 22 month NW and nap dropping, we are all over the show!
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2013, 08:02:34 am »

Thank you for your reply.

what does LSN? mean ;)

wake up is generally 7am, the buggy/nap walks are normally 1245/1pm ish. and bedtime is generally 630-645pm.


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Re: 22 month NW and nap dropping, we are all over the show!
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2013, 08:07:05 am »
Sorry - Low sleep needs (LSN).

The day looks good. Shorter than perhaps LOs would usually have at this age but your lO is having a short nap so effectively you are using EBT to compensate.

Do you think your LO is UT/OT?