Author Topic: What do you do about E when you have short nap after short nap?  (Read 766 times)

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I guess this is an issue more so in the early days when A times are so short but what do you do if you have a short 45min nap and therefore move E forward and reduce A times to avoid OT but then get another short nap? This happened to us yesterday and so the Es ended up getting really squished together. When she wakes from a short nap, I don't always feed straight away as otherwise it's hardly any time since the last feed but I obviously have to leave enough time to BF her and get her down on a shortened A.

It's so hard to get her fed, winded, nappy changed and tend to C in a reduced A time. I felt like for most of yesterday I spent trying to get G to sleep. She has been taking mostly great naps but yesterday was a weird day and we started this morning off on a short nap too! ::)


Offline jessmum46

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Re: What do you do about E when you have short nap after short nap?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2013, 17:57:14 pm »
I think it's a case of planning ahead and realising you don't always have to move E ahead too far - some points in the day EASAEAS will be the thing to do, but at others (ESP if very short naps) then EASAS may be better and you can actually delay E a bit.  It's a bit complicated but assuming 45 min naps, an A time of 1h20, maybe an hour or so after a short nap:

WU & E 7am (feed due 10am, nap due 8.20)
S 8.20-9.05 (next nap due 10.05 - so bring next feed early to avoid clash)
E 9.45 (feed due 12.45)
S 10.05-10.50 (nap due 11.50)
S 11.50 - feed on waking etc etc

Does that kind of make sense?