My lo eats every 3 hours, and I supplement with formula every other feeding. I do ths because I had little milk in the beginning and he was struggling to gain weight as a newborn, but now he is just fine. His average feeding is of about 20 min at each breast, aveage of 40 min..
He is 12 wo now and since the beginning of the week he seems morr dstracted while on the breast. Bobs on and off, sucks a little, pulls the nipple backwards, lets it go, stretches and then sometimes seeks for the nipple again. Sometimes he doesnt, but if I offer it again he takes it, sometimes repeats the whole process but in other times he gets focusef again to drink for a few minutes more. Usually he eats very concentrated for the first few minutes at each breast, this behaviour starts at about 7 - 8 min of eating. He is also finishing before, with an average of 30 to 33 min. He stops drinking either when he falls asleep ( most of the times ) or he simply stops, closes his mouth and stays quiet. If he stops like that, still awake, he wont accept the supplement. If he falls asleep, he might drink the complement when I offer. (I always offer the bottle after he finished both breasts.
My pediatrician said that he would at some point become a more efficient feeder, drinking the same amount in less time. I am in doubt these days if this is what is happening or mabe I need to space more the feedings, aiming on feeding every 4 hours? How can I tell?
Even drinking for less time, last night he managed to make a 7,5 hr interval between feedings. He woke up, ate for 28 min and slept again, and woke up alone 3,5 h after. He then drank for 26 more minutes. After the second morning feed (28 min ), he woke up hungry at 2,5 h.
What do you think?
Thank you!