Author Topic: overfeeding,gas or acid refex?  (Read 1249 times)

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overfeeding,gas or acid refex?
« on: September 06, 2013, 22:55:22 pm »
I usually weight lo every 2 weeks and when I went he only put on 2oz in that week period which I was shocked consulted with LN and suggest to try to increase my supply and also start on fenugreek which is a herbal med to increase supply,  now this past week lo has been crying as in pain. Prior to this he was an easy going baby cried the odd time due to gas. He eats every 2 hours -3 hours but is more the 2 hour. He has a paci which we are planning on taking away due to the fact its a prop for sleep and lately have been using durning the day which is new. He spits up more so now  but not all the time sometimes its clear and other times its curled milk. We are able to put him down after feeding with no issues  He  just turned 3 months a week ago and thought maybe teething but to young.  I don't know if I increased my supply to much and is swallowing to fast and taking in to much? he is easy to burp. Is it common  to get acid  reflex suddenly at 3 months.?. Also he used to poop every day now its 5-6 days was worried about this LN said this was normal.

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Re: overfeeding,gas or acid refex?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2013, 19:26:39 pm »
You might want to check out some of these FAQs.  They have lots of information about some of the things you're questioning

Slow weight gain in breastfed babies
 "I'm worried I may have a low milk supply"
"Is my breastfed baby constipated??"
Reflux 101 - General reflux information

Just out of interest, are you or LO's dad quite big or small people?  That sometimes has a bearing on weight.
*** Amanda ***

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Re: overfeeding,gas or acid refex?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2013, 17:04:34 pm »
Thanks for the links.....he seems to be getting alittle better but at times cries as if in pain. He does have a few symptoms of the acid reflex he spits up sometimes when a burp him or later, but is also common if eating to fast. However I am able to lay him down with no issues and they say u can't. Like a said I never really heard of a baby suddenly getting acid reflex later thought it's suppose to subside the older the get that's why I am confused.  Yes I am on the short side DH is average. I didn't realize that there is a section here regarding acid reflex should I repost their? I am think more that I have to much supply and he is eating to fast therefore causing gas pain.

Offline Fiver

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Re: overfeeding,gas or acid refex?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 18:20:17 pm »
Lots of tips of oversupply/fast letdown here - Oversupply and Overactive (Forceful) Let-Down

Might be worth experimenting with some of those to see what happens.  But reflux can sometime manifest a little later, but, I think, usually before 3m (my DS's started around 6w).

If you've got concerns about reflux and have tried out some of the oversupply/fast flow tips, it might be worth posting in Colic, Reflux, & Crying

If you're smaller, it could be that LO has been having some rapid growth in the early days (especially if there's been an oversupply) and is now going to start settling on a smaller weight gain for a while.  My DD put on quite a lot of weight in the very early days and then it slowed down quite a lot, but she eventually found her own curve, albeit a lower one than she started on, but was still gaining weight.  Probably good to keep an eye on it and check it's still going up, as well as wet/dirty nappies.
*** Amanda ***