My 10 week old DS has been napping for 45 mins for the last 3 weeks and I feel like I am making no progress to improve this.
I am pretty sure he is spending most of his time over tired and I am trying to adapt A times accordingly. Most of the time he is never up more than an hour before trying to settle again, although he is normally up 1hour 15 mins am.
The morning nap is less of a struggle to settle him for but he will only ever sleep 45 mins and will not resettle with shh/pat despite trying or giving him a dummy (paci). He normally wakes happy but then starts the cycle of being tired before next feed is due. I try to make sure that I feed him then slightly before 3 hours (around 15 mins early) and then cuddle to try and settle him and then put him down for a nap. He normally resists a lot, lots of screams. I am sure he is probably overtired. Sometimes he will sleep and again, only for 45 mins and unable to resettle.
He will sleep in his rocking/swing chair but I obviously am trying not to encourage this. I am at rare times using a dummy (paci) when he is very unsettled as this at least relaxes him
He can settle himself independently at night. I do feed him before bed but he always goes down awake and settles himself.
I feel like nothing is working!! This is getting me really upset. Before I tried extending naps and EASY routine DS seemed to be happier and I am worried all I am doing is making him unhappy!!!
Greatful for all advice! I have posted before regarding NW and EW - this has much improved thankfully. He now wakes twice a night for feeds and settles straight back to sleep.