Not sure if this is more of a bottle or solids question... it's all rolled together.
Ever since I've started solids in earnest, 3 meals/day, I've not been sure how many oz of formula my LO needs. I can never tell how much solids he's actually getting, b/c it goes everywhere. Used to be I knew how many oz he needed in a day, so then if he woke up at night I'd know: hungry or not hungry. Now when he wakes up at night I've no idea if he's hungry, so if he doesn't go right back down, we feed him just in case. I'm just worried about him eating too much, or making a habit of it. We are afraid to offer him a full feed at night b/c it might ruin the day feeds, so we usu offer 4oz, and he's always taken the whole thing and made it fine till morning, eating full feeds the next day.
He's been refusing the dream feed, or taking only a very small amount lately, so I think it's time to drop it (past time, perhaps). So does that mean he's really had enough food, and I shouldn't feed him at all at night? But since he doesn't take the DF, it makes me worry that he really is hungry later on. (We haven't been tapering it down at all)
He had been STTN for a while, this trouble has started in earnest since I've been trying to incorporate more solids. He's waking at random times, which Tracey says is hunger, and he's 8.5 mos.. so it could be the growth spurt. I just wish I could know... it's been 2 nights in a row of this, plus a random scattering of night feedings in the past ten days. I suppose I can give him 2 more nights, and then what...? If he keeps waking, I'm not comfortable doing PU/PD at that time. I'd rather taper or water the feed down. But so far he's not a really needy, habit-forming sort of baby at night. He wants to sleep. Usu. his wakeups are from hunger, OT or UT, not just for comfort.
Here's my EASY from yesterday... I think he's getting a lot of food... maybe too much, I don't know. I *don't* want to overfeed him.
Total oz from day before (including small DF): 30 (plus solids)
E: 3:55 am 5oz (it's what we had leftover in the fridge from the dream feed)
E: 7 am: oats (no idea how much-- not more than an oz), 7oz bottle
E: 11 am: sweet potatoes, white potatoes with rice ("a lot" Maybe 3 cubes), 8.5 oz bottle
E: 3pm: Peas, egg yolk, 7 oz bottle
E: 7pm: 8.5 oz bottle
E: 10pm DF refused
Total bottle oz: 36
E: 4:35am this morning: 4oz
The other thing I'm doing that might be really wrong? Is I'm getting as much food into him as I can during the day to try to avoid hunger NW. So, after solids or even if it's just a bottle feed, he'll only take 3-4 oz at a time. About ten to fifteen minutes later I'll try again and I can get him to take more. I've *tried* just assuming he's just full after that small bottle after solids, but he gets hungry 2-3 hours later, and then it feels like we're eating all day and it's you know, not a structured routine.
I just have the niggling feeling that I'm feeding him too much, and I really really don't want to do that of course. But I don't know... I guess with the addition of solids, it seems harder now to read his cues. I go to the doctor for his 9mo appt soon, so I'll know where he's at for weight very soon. (He's always been up there... 70-85% in height and weight)
I saw somewhere on here that the range of bottle oz with solids is up to 32. So does that mean if he reaches 32 in a day (plus solids), that I should assume he's not hungry at night? (When he was at 1 small meal a day, he was taking 36-37oz/day).
Okay.. that's a lot.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks a bajillion.