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Re: Numberjacks book/magazine
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2013, 20:58:28 pm »
Your mum probably knows it all already Liz but I am reading a book called Marshmallow Maths (recommended by the lovely Creations) and it has great ideas for what are the building blocks of mathematical understanding for toddlers and how to incorporate it all in daily life.

I have the Numberjacks book with me now and to give an example of the activities there is one where you have to draw a line from Numberjack 4 to things he might like from a group of pictures such as a dog with 4 legs, a square, a bunch of 4 balloons and other things without 4 associated with them (that presumably he wouldn't like). Then there are stickers you can add more things he might like to the group.

There are 5 almost identical pictures where you need to spot the odd one out.

There is a grid with most of Numberjack 3 drawn in and you have to draw the rest of the lines to complete the drawing.

There is a picture with questions below about how many numberjacks there are and who is in the lift, what colour tags are and whether there are more blue or yellow triangles.

There is a sticker activity where you have to sort things into groups such as things for feet (socks, shoes), flying things, musical instruments. Then it has a page for you to draw your own mixed up group of things.

There are many, many more. It is fun but definitely not all counting.

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Re: Numberjacks book/magazine
« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2013, 21:05:03 pm »
Claire x

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Re: Numberjacks book/magazine
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2013, 21:28:38 pm »
Thanks for taking the time to describe it Ali.
I've listed it for a xmas stocking filler, I think there will enough there that he will enjoy.  Spot the difference and sorting things sounds good, sometimes I just try to find things to stop him counting and do something else yk? And he loves the characters so much I think this could be a hit and move him away from always counting, even though it's a numbers book!

Ah, the imagination tree, she always makes everything look SO gorgeous!

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Re: Numberjacks book/magazine
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2013, 19:07:36 pm »
I LOVE the imagination tree. I might try something like that with Meg and see if a miracle occurs  ;) :P.

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Re: Numberjacks book/magazine
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2013, 20:35:59 pm »
DS enjoyed the numberjacks section of the mag today.
As expected he could anser almost all the questions easily but refused to tick, mark, draw a circle around, colour in etc. He did write the first 4 numbers in (the blobber ones) and did the stickers but otherwise just answered the questions.  He was correct on the trains 'which has the most yellow wheels' but couldn't do the coins 'who has got more coins'. I knew he didn't understand 'more than' although we did a few in the car and he could manage smaller numbers.

Looking forward to the rest of the magazine now :)