I see. Yes, she says that her breasts feel less full and that she doesn't feel as much milk flowing when LO is eating, as before.
That is probably more about the change in the consistency of the milk rather than the amount... the amazing thing about Breast milk is that it changes over time to meet the needs of a developing child, so as they get older & drink things like water for hydration, the milk can be less hydrating etc.
I BF both my boys until 13 & 17mo respectively & I can say the "feel" changed a fair bit from time to time & certainly after 6mo I rarely ever felt full... yet I could still express plenty for DS1 when I was at work, so I knew that I was producing lots even though my breasts didn't feel like it. My understanding is that the body gets more efficient at producing on demand for older babies so while in a 3mo you can feel your are ready for a feed, in an older baby that goes 5+ hours between a night feed the body adjusts & also the baby gets more efficient, so what took 10mins in a 3mo can take 2 mins in a 9mo.
If that 2/3am feed is the worry, what I did around that same age with my DS2 was to say I wasn't going to feed at all... so the first day I think it took well over an hour to get him back to sleep, but it slowly moved to a 6am wake up (which sadly never really got later & around 4yo became earlier & hasn't really changed since, except he doesn't wake us up)
By 11mo you can pretty much say the waking is more habit than hunger & at 3am that comfort suck would be important because it is "special"