Just that I suppose. Recovering from a bout of yuckiness and just trying to see if our "set' day needs a tweak or ride it out or what all. WE have been on this for several months:
A8 ( Dad wake by 8:15 if not up by then)
S1 ( ish) I have to wake her by 2:50 to get DS so can't puch nap much later if she is going to get a decent one.
A2:50 if not earlier, she usually goes for 1.5-2 hours ( FINALLY!)
S8:00 ( as close as I can as BT around here can be a bit nuts)
We rarely get STTN, whether it is just a random callout or needing to be told" hush now, sleepytime" or a drink or a quick cuddle, DH (lucky him!) usually hears from her.
If you are inclined to share I would appreciate it! Thanks Mamas!