Hi, DS is 15 weeks and for the past week and a half he has been waking for two night feeds, at around 13-13:30 and then again at around 2-3am, then he wakes for the day at approx 6. He has seemed pretty hungry at those times, though the other night at the 3am feed he fell asleeo after 3 minutes. I changed his nappy which woke him right up and then he took a good feed. Last night he went to bed earlier and I gave him about 70mls of formula as a top up and he went from 6pm to 11pm so I'm wondering if it truely a hunger waking or habit. He had been sleeping from 7pm - 3am from 8 weeks until this started. Could my supply be dropping off. I have heard that there is a big growth spurt around 3 months but I would have thought that my supply would have caught up by now.