No, they sure don't! And it is my first, so needless to say, sometimes I feel totally lost!
Maybe my little one is just too young to go all night without eating since her corrected age is 6 weeks. The thing is, a couple of times, she has woken up in the middle of the night, and I just reswaddle her and she goes back to bed. I certainly don't want to deprive her of milk if she is hungry, but I figured if she was that hungry, wouldn't she be more persistent. Either way, I guess for now I should continue to feed her even after we do the dream feed.
I wanted to go by time for naps, but immediately learned I just need to observe her sleep signs. Right now, the only sleep signs I know from her are yawns and heavy eyelids. I hope I learn more of her signs soon so that I can give her what she needs when she needs it. I am finding that her A time is much shorter than the book suggests, but I don't want to try and force her to stay awake.
The things we do during A time to avoid overstimulated are mainly talking (me talking to her and hearing her coo or watching her just stare at me), reading books (even though she couldn't care less- haha) and sometimes we do tummy time. I had her using her play gym and one time I think it was too close to naptime because she had a tough time falling asleep even though she was tired. It has a bunch of lights and music and that may be something more appropriate for the beginning of A time.
Today she just didn't want to nap at all. My husband came home after work and he had a difficult time too. The pediatrician mentioned that babies are fussiest between 6-8 weeks and since she is just beginning that time frame in terms of corrected/developmental age, maybe that is what is happening.
Either way, I hope that with consistent wake/feeding times, and the same EASY routine order (even if S time is a struggle for now), hopefully we'll get there.
If you have any other tips or ideas, I'd love to hear them. Maybe I'm just trying to do too much too soon. The BW book mentions the 6 weeks-3 months routine for dream feed and then eating again at 7am, but perhaps I need to allow for feeds in between even though she mentioned that babies should be able to go at least 6 hours at this age?