Hi all,
My son was three months on halloween. I'm wondering if he is ready for the 4 hour EASY schedule. He is breastfed and is currently on the three hour plan, but can go up to 4 hours between feeds some days if the nap works out that way. He sleeps through the night from about 8 to 8:30 and will sleep all the way through til about 8 or so without a dream feed. So, night sleeping is going great, but during the day, he rarely takes a nap longer than 45 minutes unless he's in his swing. Then at night, he gets kinda fussy and will not sleep most times for that last stretch between the last two feeds. He is very big, at least 17 pounds. He drank 7 ounces with the babysitter a couple days ago. I think he's spirited and I'm not sure why he isn't napping better. Lots of times, he'll have a burp that needs to get out. Otherwise, I'm not sure if he's overtired or what. How do you transition from a 3 hour easy to a 4 hour?