Author Topic: 6 month old I can't get off the boob!  (Read 1756 times)

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Offline hels78

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6 month old I can't get off the boob!
« on: November 18, 2013, 21:17:57 pm »
My daughter is 6 months old and breast fed. Between 12-16 weeks she had a few bottles with expressed breast milk as I did a few shifts back at work. She took to this with ease. However now she is refusing to take a bottle be it expressed milk or formula. We have tried different bottles, teats, cups, spoon feeding it etc. She either screams to the point of exhaustion or she will happily have the bottle in her mouth but just roll it around with her tongue and not suck. We have tried having my husband feeding her, me out of the room and house. But nothing is working. She is also waking 3 times a night (where she previously slept 12 hours) and although I think this may also be teething related, she is taking a full feed each time.
I am exhausted and don't know what to do. I don't want to keep getting her distressed but I needed to go back to work weeks ago. I am offering her a bottle several times a day but she shows no interest at all. HELP!!!

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Re: 6 month old I can't get off the boob!
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 20:52:53 pm »
Have you seen this link?  Breastfed babies and bottles

There is some good advice and ideas here. I haven't got and direct experience I'm afraid as mine were bottle fed from birth more or less. If the ideas on the link don't help, come back and I'll ask for more help.
