Hello - My DS is 6 months old. His EASY looks like this now:
7 eat
9:40 -11:00 sleep
11 eat
1:40 - 3:30 sleep
3:30 eat
4:30ish bath, book PJ's
6:30 eat
Used to not last beyond 6:45 but last night went to 7:15 so may be able to push 6:30 feed later?)
9:00 DF
NO cat nap and the other two naps are doing very well 1.5-2.0 hours each (2)
I'm wondering if my Easy looks OK... and when to drop the DF. He should be coming up on a growth spurt so maybe we should wait. We will also start solids after next week (US Christmas week) so that we are back home before implementing this.
Any thoughts?