Author Topic: Wake to Sleep for 30 min nap?  (Read 706 times)

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Wake to Sleep for 30 min nap?
« on: November 24, 2013, 15:15:03 pm »
Does anyone know when you should try wake-to-sleep for a baby who wakes at the 30 minute mark? He has always woken up at 30-45 minutes happy - and so, for the first three months of his life we got him up. He was happy for 20 minutes and then miserable and usually not staying awake longer than an hour. So we are working on the four hour EASY this past week and this weekend began the pick up put down. He has been easier to put down but still wakes at 30 minutes and takes 15-20 min of pick up put down to fall back asleep. We tried the shh-pat technique right when he woke but he just thinks its time to play and get excited. I usually let him talk to himself for a few minutes to see if he will go back to sleep but he doesn't. If I want to try wake-to-sleep when should I go in? Should I immediately start PU/PD when he wakes? Or will this eventually just stop happening in some near future time? Feeling pretty defeated and so exhausted....

Offline Emami

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Re: Wake to Sleep for 30 min nap?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 02:23:24 am »
Hi hun, you only want to be doing PUPD or ssh/pat if he is upset crying, otherwise leave him to it.  If he is waking at 30mins I would try W2S around 20mins and stay with him if you can to see what happens and maybe hold him through the jolts if you can catch him as he's transitioning.  How old is he?  Do you want to post your day in EAS format so we can take a look?