Dd is 23 months. She has a feed at nighttime and....I'm ashamed to say if she wakes at night.
. Fortunately it's often only once. She has a cold and we're in the process of a vey short nap/no nap (at least before this cold) and has been asking for it during the day. If I'm honest, I have a love/hate relationship with breast feeding....I hate that dh doesn't have breasts so I have to tend to any night wakes. Lol. A friend of mine said that at 25 months her ds decided he just didn't want it anymore. Is that common? I would love for it to end naturally for her. She is very, very strong willed so I think making it end would be hard on her. I'm really hoping she just decides she has had enough but she really, really loves it. She had a lot going on right now too, move to bgb soon, dropping nap (I know it's young but she gets about 2 more hours sleep in 24 hours without a nap...ds was the same) and toilet training (although we're taking this slow) and the two year birthday soon.
I guess I'm just wondering if some kids do just decide that's it, or if I'm dreaming.