My LO is 6 months old Jan 4th ( just turned 25 weeks on Dec 26). We started EASY 15 days ago. It only took us 2 days to settle in, and we had instant improvement. We could put her down for naps and BT without any issues, she was napping 1.5h. She went from 2 regular night wakings down to 1, and 4 times during the 2 great weeks she slept through the night, which she had never ever done.
Then suddenly everything seemed to go nuts on us 5 days ago and it continues to get worse daily. I noticed her first tooth broke through 4 days ago, and it does seem to be bothering her quite a bit. We give her tylenol at bedtime and during the days if she's very fussy (non-stop crying). So my question is 2 part -
I'm a FTM, so I'm wondering the cause of the sudden upheaval of our great routine: Is this due to teething and the wonder week at week 26? Or is it something in our EASY routine? Or both perhaps..
How do we not lose all of the great progress we'd already made? I'm able to put her down for naps and she puts herself to sleep on her own, as with the night wakings, but BT has become a circus.
Early/earlier wakings (went from consistently waking at 7:15-7:30 for the last 4-6 weeks to 6:30 wakings)
2 wakings per night
45m naps
BT have gone right back to where they were - put her down for bed, she cries for a long time before finally sleeping. Then wakes frequently over the following 2 hours (anywhere between every 10m to every 30m generally).
She's very fussy all day long - she'll almost fall asleep in your arms 1h after her morning wake up, and be very tired and cranky around 1-1.5h after naps. We've continued to try to follow our EASY routine, but like I said, things are getting worse and I'm not sure how to get us back on course, esp. with the teething added to the mix. Our EASY routine from the first 1.5 weeks is below, which varied by about 15m here and there, depending on her wake up time for the day. With the 45m naps I've tried extending the A time by 10-15m with no success. Any advice or help would be much appreciated!!!
E: 7:30
S: 9:15 - 10:45 (1.5h)
E: 11:30
S:12:45 - 2:15 (1.5h)
E: 3:30
S: 4:15-5:00 (45m)
E: 5:30
E: 6:15
BT: 6:30