I speed-read BW after going through yet another meltdown. My baby is 14 weeks and is a touchy baby. I felt comforted after reading the book and angry at the advice I'd been given since having my son, which lead to the routine mess I am in now (so accurately described by Tracy as a on-demand mother).
My problems are:
1. Nurses to sleep, so hard to do EASY (more like ESAES at the moment)
2. Cannot go to sleep in own bed by himself
3. Fights the swaddle but sleeps better with it due to crazy startle reflex
4. Always need to be held
My days have become basically staying in my room in the dark trying to get him to nap, all day in PJs, taking 3 hours to settle him for bed (feed, put down, he wakes, feed, repeat), no time for anything and totally exhausted.
My husband and I decided to start our baby on EASY, from last night. It basically ended 7 hours after starting bedtime and he fell asleep at 1am after passing out from fatigue on my shoulder. During this time, he spent most of the time on our shoulder as he wouldn't stop crying and I was hoarse from all the sshing. He slept till 6 this morning, I fed time and he fell asleep and I put him back in his bed, and he woke up at 7.30. We weren't sure whether to start the day since he had so little sleep, but went with it. I fed him and as usual he fell asleep for 15min, and I started doing A when he woke up. I could tell he was still tired though he was smiling.
When I tried to initiate S, again I fed him till asleep, and he woke up as soon as he hit the bed, and would not stop crying. Ssh/patting did not calm him, not even when I picked him up. He is sleeping now on me because I feel really sorry for him for lack of sleep, and it would be the only time I can type this.
I feel I have done so many things wrong and caused all of these bad habits and I am at a loss how to start rectifying them.
I know its way early days to see any results, but I do wonder if EASY and ssh/pat will work in the end for a baby with his temperament? We believe we caused his bad habits and its our job to teach him properly, but really don't want to cause him so much stress if there is a more appropriate way.
Please help us, I am worried I will suffer from pnd if this lifestyle continues and my husband is worried sick about me. I will very happily pay for a consultant to meet my baby and suggest a way forward for us. I feel so incredibly helpless now.
Thanks ever so much.