Author Topic: 7 month old night feeds  (Read 1566 times)

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7 month old night feeds
« on: January 10, 2014, 20:01:02 pm »
Hi all, not sure exactly where to put this question but here goes.  My LO is 7 months in one week, he is on formula and three solid meals a day.  Solids have been a real struggle and he hates veges and meat, only likes fruit.  Normally he would sleep from 7-4ish without a DF, have a bottle and then sleep until 7. Lately he wants a feed around midnight and then again is up around 5-5:30ish, he doesn't cry that much at the early awake and I leave him in his cot until 6 then start the day.  He is on 2 naps a day of around 1.5hrs each give or take.  He is just getting over a bought of gastro.  I have tried resettling him at the NW but after about an hour I resort to feeding him.  I'm pretty sure that if I fed him at the 5am wake he would go back to sleep I until 7 but it seems excessive to need two NF's at his age.  My CHN told me not to feed him at all over night but he ends up screaming, I leave him if it's just a mantra cry.  He sleep has been crazy over the last month because he has cut three teeth, switched from breast to bottle, gotten his first cold and then gastro.  I offer water before milk at night but he won't settle.  He sucks his thumb so can self settle and has been an independent sleeper his whole life.

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Re: 7 month old night feeds
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 22:31:18 pm »
It is quite normal to still have a nightfeed at this age, but a lot are starting to drop it now.

How much milk is he having during the day now? He should still be having around 24oz (or more) in 24 hours so if he has been reducing milk during the day due to solids he could need that milk during the night.

My DD didn't have a DF, we just fed when she woke so we dropped the NF when she was about 8.5 months. By then she was having 3 solid feeds and at least 20oz of milk during the day. We started by dropping her bottle by 1oz every 3 nights to allow her tummy to get used to having less and less gradually.

By the time we got down to 2oz she actually slept through one night so the next night she woke and we just offered water. She wasn't impressed and it was hard work resettling but she only got offered water. It took another 2 or 3 nights of just offering water but she did stop waking.

We had another spell of needing a feed during the night when she was about 10.5 months after a week of throwing up. I decided she was needing to make up for lost calories and we said we will would allow the feed for a week and then wean again, but after a few days she stopped waking again.

As your LO is recovering from illness, I would give it a couple of weeks just to make sure he is better and look at how much milk he is having during the day. I would then see how the nightfeeds are, he may have gone back to 1, and start reducing as I described.

What do you think?
