Author Topic: EASY problem i think?  (Read 966 times)

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Offline Florena49

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EASY problem i think?
« on: January 06, 2014, 19:39:01 pm »
I posted on ou/pd board because i wanted to het some info about extending naps and eliminating night wakings. My LO is only 10 weeks old and im by no means planning to do anything just yet. anna suggested i post here as it seems that the problems might be routine related and developmental?

Have tried extending A time, wow he was grouchy today and so difficult to get to sleep, first nap was 45 mins and every othe nap woke up continuously and I have given in and let him sleep im my arms at least that way we botj got some rest. Although we have problems extending naps it is less of a problem gettin him to bed usually. Today after his first nap during tummy time he turned from tum to back, i thought it is too early and might have been a fluke, but after next nap he did it again. Do u think the difficulty getting him to sleep could have something to do with this new achievement?I could see he was tired but he just wouldbt switch off, eyes kept opening and he was getting frustrated inhis cot. So our EASY went like this today:

7.25 eat
8.40-9.15 then until 10.20 im my arms
10.20 eat
11.40-1.10 in my arms
1.10 eat
2.25-2.45 then 3-4 in my arms
5.10-6he keeps waking up every 10 mins or so crying at the moment
6.30 eat
7.10 sleep- woke after 10 mins resettled now restless, but i anticipate as usual will wake up after 45 mins.

Last night was again terrible he went to sleep no problem no patting at all i just shushed him a little and iff he went only to wake up 20 mins later screaming and wasnt able to resettle him properly until  midnight and after that well to be honest i cant even remember what happened after that, numerous wakings etc. any suggestions on how to tweak EASY?


Mum to Oskar 25/10/2013 and Maksim 19/07/2015

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Re: EASY problem i think?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 11:06:06 am »
What were A times before you decided to increase them? And what are you aiming A times to be now?
Do you have a WD routine before naps? Is he awake or drowsy when you put him in his cot? How are you trying to settle him before picking him up? Is there crying when he refuses to nap?
Is he BF or FF? When he woke up 20min after you were Shush-pat him last night how did you try to settle him? Is he falling asleep at BT with a feed? When is his next feed at night after BT feed?

If you are sure that A times had to be increased because he was UT before then it does take about 4 days (some babies need even longer than that) to adjust to new A times.
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Offline Florena49

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Re: EASY problem i think?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2014, 16:30:41 pm »
A time before first nap was an hour, so we extended it to see if his 45 minute nap gets longer.
We are aiming for 1.10-1.15 really at the moment.
We have a short routine we go ibto his room, blunds down, swaddle, cuddles abd then i pat him on the back a little holding him still. He goes down awake most of the time and i will pat his bum and shush him, sometimes it takes a few pats sometimes longer, but overall he always goes into his cot eyes open. He hates patting on his back he arches abd wrigles like a worm so i have to pat his bum or more so his thigh really.
If he cries i will pick him up and shush him it usually only takes a few times to pick him up. All of this is on a good day when there are no disruptions. If he gets OT he is inconsolable, we had thr HV come round today and as she rang the bell i was putting LO to bed, sleep didnt happen because she was here for 40 mins, half of that time he screamed and then fell asleep on me!
lO is BF i tried shushing and patting but  he woke up screaming so inevitably he was picked up, no amount of rocking jiggling etc would put him back to bed.
lO never falls asleep at the breast even in the night i always worry thats once i feed him he will fully wake and sometimes he does in a rather good mood as well!

Mum to Oskar 25/10/2013 and Maksim 19/07/2015

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: EASY problem i think?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2014, 12:32:12 pm »
I would keep on with the increased A times for a few more days and see if there is a change.

For BT feed and night feeds I would actually let LO fall asleep on the breast. These are the only feeds most parents here let their LO feed to sleep because it keeps them calm and avoids a battle at BT.
If LO wakes up short after BT then it might be that he is a bit OT from the day, this should be resolved when A times are more age appropriate and his naps are a bit longer.
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Offline Florena49

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Re: EASY problem i think?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2014, 17:23:04 pm »
Thank u i will keep going for a few days, in general do kids adjust their awake times themselves or do i beed to constantly try and increase tbose as he grows up. At the moment i mainly follow his cues and of he is telli g me in 50 minutes that he is tired i will start the wind down routine then.

Mum to Oskar 25/10/2013 and Maksim 19/07/2015

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: EASY problem i think?
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2014, 13:16:35 pm »
You will constantly need to increase A times as he grows older but it's not something you'll do ALL THE TIME. I mean, he can have weeks and even months that he stays on the same A times.
An indication to increase A times is when naps are UT (so often 45min-1:20h long) or NW are suddenly very hard to settle, or there is EW.
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