Author Topic: Help needed for 10.5 month old. Is it EASY or sleep issue?  (Read 1339 times)

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Offline Moondaisy

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Help needed for 10.5 month old. Is it EASY or sleep issue?
« on: January 17, 2014, 23:11:43 pm »
My DD has been on EASY for most of her life. Around 4 months ago I relaxed the routine a bit, stopped clock watching and followed her lead as she was like clockwork herself  ;)
And now we seem to have a problem. If I'm honest ive noticed it for a while, but, well, what with christmas and visitors and working...I just thought it would "work itself out" Also she has been teething since 5 months old (has 10 teeth including 2 molars!)
She will be 11 months old in 2 weeks and still has a 2 hour morning nap and a 1.5 pm nap!   :-[
Her am activity time is still only just over 2 hours  :-[
Her pm activity time is 3 hours. (this includes feeding etc)
And her day doesn't start until 9.30-10 am  :o
Her bedtime has become 9.30 pm, she talks and plays for a while before falling asleep.   BUT tonight she was still awake in her cot rolling, babbling, playing until after 10.30pm!

I do believe I need some help. I've looked through the boards here and I think it looks like I need to tweek naps, lengthen activity time, possibly wake her earlier in the morning...but unless I have it written down in a list "You need to to this, this and this at these times" then I'm useless.

Her EASY as of last 3 days.

WU - 10am
E- 10.15am - 240 bottle
E- 11.15am - Breakfast
A- until 12.15 pm - Cranky! (only just over 2 hrs)
S- 12.15pm - 2.30pm (!) (2.25 hrs)
E - 3pm dinner
A - until 5pm - Cranky! (2.5 hrs)
S- - 6.30pm (1.5 hrs)
E - 7pm - tea
E - 9pm - 200 bottle
A- until 9.30 pm - bed (3 hrs)

But, She is awake up in her cot for sometimes over an hour at bedtime! (she is quite happy and isn't crying at all) I know this is short A times and too long naps...but she is a sleepy baby, signals tiredness (rub eyes, tug ears, moaning, cranky then real tears)!

Any help would be wonderful.  :)

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Help needed for 10.5 month old. Is it EASY or sleep issue?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 12:59:07 pm »
Sorry, I am not really sure what is the problem :P Is it just the struggling to fall asleep at BT? Are you happy for her day to be 10-21 or you want it earlier?
I know that most parents have a 7AM WU (approx.), but it doesn't mean it NEEDS to be like that. You should do whatever works for you and for your baby.
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Offline Moondaisy

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Re: Help needed for 10.5 month old. Is it EASY or sleep issue?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2014, 14:08:44 pm »
Thanks for your reply  :)

I'm happy about the WU time and know that this means a BT between 9pm-10pm, what I'm concerned about is her nap length and activity time...Her 1st activity time is only 2 hours long. Her 1st nap is 2 and a half hours long. Her 2nd activity time is 2 and a half hours long and her 2nd nap is 1 and a half hours long. Her 3rd activity time is 3 hours long...from what i've followed on here should her naps be this long? Should her activity time be longer for her age (at least 3-3.5 hours long) I'm just worried she is sleeping too much and not active enough...Would this effect her development (shes not crawling yet) Over the last few days she stays awake in her cot for ages playing at BT, could this be because she hasn't had enough A time? I Just don't know what the best is.
Should I just stop worrying and keep doing what i'm doing, or should I adjust her routine for her age? (I'm a worry wart at times  ::) )
Thanks :)

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Help needed for 10.5 month old. Is it EASY or sleep issue?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 13:48:57 pm »
If it wasn't for the BT struggle then I'd tell you to just go with the flow now. Every baby is different and some are just more sleepy than others. Count your blessings, lol!
But because she does struggle to fall asleep at BT then I would think she is ready for more A time. I would increase A times gradually, by 10-15min every 3-4 days until her BT is easier. How does that sound?
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Offline Moondaisy

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Re: Help needed for 10.5 month old. Is it EASY or sleep issue?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2014, 15:59:40 pm »
Thanks for your help...Well the last two days have been easier, I think I must have a really easy baby or something (counting blessings!) because i decreased her naps and increased her A time with absolutely no problems...the morning nap is now at 1 pm (instead of 12 pm) so her A time increased to 3 hours. I wake her up then at 2.30 (i.5 nap instead of 2.5 hours) and she is happy to then stay awake until 5.30 ( A time now of 3 hours not 2.5) and then a nap of 1 hour (before was 1.5 hrs) up at 6.30pm then BT at 9.30-10pm so a third A time of 3.5 hours! She seems happy and not cranky at all...don't ask me how this happened or why she just is now happy to stay awake longer...She still does yawn, but not cranky at all so long as i play and keep her entertained. BT she still stays awake a short while but thats normal, not like the almost 2 hours the other I think we have cracked it! Thankyou so much...I don't know what i would do without BW xxx

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Help needed for 10.5 month old. Is it EASY or sleep issue?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2014, 17:41:09 pm »
That's a great update!
If you see in a short while that the BT problems happen again then you can always tweak A times and naps again.
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