Just wondering if anyone experienced this or would be able to explain what's going on..
DD has always been independent sleeper.
She is now on one nap a day.
Her day is usually like this:
WU 6.30-7.30
A 5 hrs
Nap:11.30-12 (1.5-2 hrs)
BT: 8 pm
She wakes up some nights at random time and can't get back to sleep for at least two hours,sometimes as long as 4 hrs.
She doesn't really cry,just small cries of frustration, and just fusses and tries to go back to sleep.
I can not find any explanation to this.
This has been going on since she was 10 months old.
It seems to happen in waves- 2 weeks on 2 weeks off or so.
She is cutting molars but I can not attribute all the disturbed nights to teething.
She doesn't seem to be in pain most of the time.
It's just as if she has insomnia!
Obviously she struggles to get through the day after these bad nights and I feel so sorry for her and am exhausted myself.
Nothing seems to help her back to sleep, even if she comes to bed with me she just lies there trying to send herself back to sleep.
Has anyone experienced this?