I talked to the lactation consultant and when I asked if going 7 plus hours between feeds could affect my supply she said "it definitely could affect your supply". When I further explained she was gaining weight well, seemed content after feeds and still feeding 7 to 8 times a day, she didn't seem concerned. I also explained how one breast always felt fuller than the other and how I wake up at night and it really hurts. She said it sounded like an oversupply. She said pump or breastfeed for comfort since it didn't seem like my supply was getting affected for going so long between feeds. She also made a comment that in a few weeks the hormones will calm down and I won't have that really full feeling as much.
As for clogged ducts, I guess they are more common when there is an oversupply. I asked how to avoid them and she said feed or pump when they hurt, don't wear wire bras or anything that puts pressure on the breast. Even sleeping on your stomach can do it.
Soooo, I will continue to do what I am doing and pumping at night when it feels really uncomfortable. Coinsidentally, dd went 8.5 hours last night between feeds and it was the first time I didn't have to pump before she got up when sleeping for that long. Maybe my supply is finally getting the idea :-)