Please help! My baby Olivia is an independent sleeper but for the past 2-3 weeks our bedtime has gone totally aweful! Our routine used to be:
7am wakep - eat, play
10-11.30ish nap; eat, play
2-2.45ish nap; eat, play
Easy bedtime at 7.30
Now it has shifted to an 8am wakeup.
Eat, play - either 2 naps as above with 8pm bedtime or now x2days tried one nap from 11-1. Bedtime around 8. Every single day now she falls asleep just fine, sleeps for 30mins, wakes up and has tons and tons of energy for hours. The other day she was up till 11pm!!!! I'm so confused. I thought switching to one nap was the key but no change so far!
I'm just so frustrated b/c I don't know why this is happening or what to do. Also I'm so tired from full time work, housework and taking care of my daughter - and I'm finally able to put my feet up after she goes to bed - only to now have her wake up 30mins later!!!!
Awaiting suggestions
Thanks, Ev