Author Topic: Naps will be the death of me...... When are they over?  (Read 1144 times)

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Offline jenn1975

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Naps will be the death of me...... When are they over?
« on: February 11, 2014, 03:42:09 am »
From the beginning, naps have plagued my sanity. Our now 29 month old began life as a chronic short napper, with the 30 min wąkeup and having to resettle. That lasted forever. He's never been a super long napper which is no big deal.

Anyway :) now his sleep is just weird with the nap. I'm fairly sure the nap is to blame, but I fear dropping it quite yet.

For the last month he settled into
WU 7:30-8 :)
Nap 2:00 (1 hour to 1.5 hrs tops mostly uncapped)
BT 9-9:30 :( (asleep by then)

If I'd put him down earlier than 8:40 he would just be up and down calling for me, asking to pee, for water, etc. so I accepted the later BT and later WU.

Now, the past few days, his WU is getting earlier. 6:30-6:46, so not quite 10 hrs of night sleep. So now I'm at a loss as of what to do? Cap his nap? How long should it be?

Today I let him nap for almost 2 hours! Since he's had a few short nights in a row. Since he was up at 6:30am I put him down for BT at 7:40 and he took almost an hour to fall asleep. 14 hour day! Is such a ling day common when getting closet to the 1-0?

As always, his mood is fine. I did notice he was calmer today after the long nap. He can get hyper a lot. Do then I'm thinking is he always OT????

Any advice or insights?

Offline Mama2Athena

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Re: Naps will be the death of me...... When are they over?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2014, 05:52:53 am »
It's been quite some time ago, so I don't remember exact details.  My now 7 year old son was "encouraged" to nap daily at his preschool up until almost 5 when he started kindergarten.  Anyway, I do remember him not falling asleep until 10 PM (yes, 10 PM) on preschool/nap days and starting his day around 6:30, then "encouraged" to nap for 1.5/2 hours at preschool.  On weekends (at home), he pretty much dropped his nap before turning 3.  On those days, he usually went to bed much earlier without a fuss.

Offline jenn1975

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Re: Naps will be the death of me...... When are they over?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2014, 14:58:41 pm »
10pm yikes! Well, we aren't far from there. Last night it was 9:30 :o

I'm ok with the later times for now IF he sleeps 10-10.5 hours at night. Any less and I'm freaking out. He's still asleep now and it's almost 8am. With an hour and a half nap yesterday.

I know the late BT is temporary til he goes to no nap. So I'm going with it only for now..