The last few days H's feeds have been getting fussier and fussier. She's also a bit fussier generally.
She feeds for a few mins then stops and is v reluctant to take any more
She often splutters when the letdown comes, pulls away and then there is milk spraying everywhere
She is a bit windy and we're getting some explosive poops.
She's not feeding for comfort at all.
Reading the FAQs it sounds like I have over active letdown. It was same with L but she never got fussy like this.
I am already only offering one side per feed and she's feeding quite frequently (every 2-2.5hrs during the day). I am going to try and take her away from the breast when the letdown comes to see if that helps.
Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this, what they found helped the most and if/when things started to settle down?
I love bfing and really enjoyed the long snugly BFs I used to have with L, but ATM I am finding it really frustrating