Author Topic: Reverse cycling feeding 4.5 month old is it just a phase? How to break cycle.  (Read 3177 times)

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Offline Lauramew

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Hi all
My baby who was sleeping 7-7.30 with one feed at about 5 now wakes every 3-4 hours for food. Not interested in the day and I'm starting to feel very down as we had a great 4 hour easy happening. She's very hungry at night and I just want to know that this is a phase?? Or do I need to take steps to break this cycle?? And if so how.
I've started her on solids a little but this was 3-4 days after the NW happened.
Anyone else come out of this?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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This was about the point I started feeding them right when they got up from a nap in the dark bedroom so there were no distractions at all. I would probably forgo the solids for now as they really aren't recommended before 6 months and will leave less room for milk and potentially add to nw's if she gets an upset tummy.

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Distraction is big at this age as pp says. We also had to feed when they woke from naps before leaving the dark room.

It is also possible your LO had the 4mo growth spurt and that is why she started waking at night again. It is very common for babies to start waking again at 4mo when they had been sleeping through because their sleep develops into cycles. There is lots of info on that here

Check out this link with more info.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Lauramew

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Thank you so much!
Can I ask... Have you stopped feeding your LO when she wakes up yet? So I mean is it a phase? She's so distracted that I'm sure that is it.
I was advised by HV to start solids but maybe you're right and should lay off them for a while. I must say though it's kind of mucking up my nice EASY pattern as I'm feeding more often as even in a dark room
She's feeding then suddenly realising she's awake and can chat, smile, arch her back..little monkey. I'm trying to keep my supply up.
I'm pretty sure she's had the 4 montj GS and this was the start of this distraction as she was non stop for a few days then after that dev leap she's much more into he world.

Just hope it will pass? 

Thanks again

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Sometimes I can feed her in the living room (if no one is in the room and tv off) but she is crawling now and tries to get down to go play so I try to stick to the dark room anyways! She also got waybmore efficient at feeds around 4 months so bf sessins went from 30-45 min down to 10-15.

Offline *Ali*

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You could also try a nursing necklace or she kind of toy you can hand around your neck for her to fiddle with when she feeds. Maybe even a lovey/blankie thing to snuggle.

I'm sure it is just a phase yes
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011