Author Topic: naps and bottle feeding  (Read 1538 times)

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naps and bottle feeding
« on: March 20, 2014, 02:26:34 am »
Hey there.

I read the post in NAPS FAQ's section called "How Tracy Helped Josie and her family get past 45 minute naps." How Tracy Helped Josie and her Family Get Past 45-Min. Naps!

 I feel like this is whats going on with my little girl:short naps, age, reflux, super cranky at night because of 5-6 45 naps.

So I've bumped her up to 3.5 hour feeding schedule as a 4hr was too drastic. It has helped with her naps. But Ive got a question regarding this... Josie was breastfeeding and we are bottle feeding. Is it possible that my little girl isn't getting enough calories as well or did that just pertain to breastfeeding? Just want to make sure I tackle all the issues. When do bottle babies typically move to the four hour schedule? Sorry I'm fairly new to bottle feeding. We breastfed until 3ish months so I'm just not starting to figure it all out.


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Re: naps and bottle feeding
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 09:43:13 am »
Both breast and formula fed babies usually move to 4hr E at around 4 months old. There are things to take into account on for both though, prem babies or low birth weight babies might not be ready for 4hr E until 5 or 6 months old.  Although breast milk is really the best for baby, formulas are extremely well balanced.

All babies are individual of course. Mine was not early (13 days over) and within average weight range (smaller end of average) so would have been expected to get to 4hr E at 4 months but he couldn't manage a minute longer than 3hrs until he was 6 months and solids were introduced.  Likely he couldn't take in enough in one go to keep him going 4 hrs as he had a small tummy, but he also had silent reflux so the smaller more frequent feeds might have made him feel better.