Well, the 5 am wu could be also due to the OT for the nap. If F has a nap, 10 h night is really the max he can do...
I would probably leave it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Especially if he is dry during the night, this tells me that he's ready. If it is a new thing, it is probably due to the novelty of the potty in his room, and should go back to normal. Like every transition, some bad sleep can be expected.
Of course, I totally get you on the frustration for EW again, though!
Just to mention that F is far far far to be dry at night, but he was doing his morning pee in the pull up, so we also put the potty in his room and asked him to wee there if he wakes up. Before he was doing it every morning, now only some mornings. And he doesn't wake up for this now, I am sure.