Yes they are, and the morning WU 6am. Today she was a monkey and wouldn't go to bed for my MIL. Her day was this:
31st March
WU: 7.05 (6.05 old time)
NND - refused. Got ridiculously upset re: MIL changing poopy nappy and then said she'd only sleep if she could sleep on MILs lap or If MIL sat in the chair - mil did it. She started to nod off, mil left, end of nap! She shouldn't have stayed in the 1st place!!
BT: 6pm (PD 5.50pm)
She only usually has this kind of behaviour if she's OT, or maybe when teething. So lets see what the night holds. I think W2S might be an option otherwise. I did consider it given that the NW and WU is always the same. Maybe if I can reset the night the morning will take care of itself *sigh*
Thanks again x